Society Corrupts | Teen Ink

Society Corrupts

March 13, 2015
By j_doxzon07 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
j_doxzon07 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Society Corrupts
As soon as we are born into this world, society is already starting to corrupt our innocence.  By the time we reach high school, most of us don’t care about anything because society taught us not to care about anything except ourselves or our own personal achievements.  I’ve learned through my years of high school is that, don’t be what other people want you to be.  Be yourself and do what you want to do, even if it’s frowned upon by the society we live in today.
I’ve lost a lot of friends, because I don’t do what’s considered to be “cool” by our society.  But I’ve also gained a lot of friends because they think the same way I do.  Society nowadays is telling our youth to be this god like figure that no one can achieve, to be the skinniest or most muscular person on the planet.  Or to be this party animal that everyone wants to be around, because everyone knows they know how to have what they call a “good time”. 
Almost everyone in my school is corrupted by society.  When my junior year was coming to an end, I thought I had the life.  I hung out with what I thought were my “friends”, and I was having a “good time”.  In reality I was having a terrible time, destroying my body, and hanging out with people that were not the best for me.  I never saw this when I was hanging out with them, because society had branded into my head that having a good time is by using drugs or alcohol, was the “fun” or “cool” thing to do.
I finally had come to my senses that those were the people that I didn’t want to associate myself with.  I realized that, that wasn’t the life I wanted to live, I actually wanted to do something with my life and not party every single day.  I made new friends that realized the same things I realized.  The new friends I made are like brothers now, all of us believe in the same things, like the same stuff, and do the same things.
I still believe that society is corrupting one person at a time, but not all corruption is bad.  Some people need an eye opener to realize they need to change their life style.  Society has many different ways it can corrupt you.  It can make you believe that you have to be this Victoria Secret model figure to make all the other girls jealous of you, or that you have to be this meat head that has to intimidate any other person that walks by them, or that you have to be this Steve-O like person that does stupid stuff and is the life of the party, because of all the drugs he takes and all of the alcohol he consumes.  This I believe. 

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