Humanity | Teen Ink


April 7, 2015
By Oreobell BRONZE, Sherwood, Oregon
Oreobell BRONZE, Sherwood, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"If you're scared, just be scarier than whatever is scaring you!" -Thumper

My understanding of humanity is that we are separated from all other things. What makes us different from plants? From animals? Now thats what the humanities are all about. Discovering why we do what we do. Why we are UNIQUE. How our minds are wired to make us feel and do certain things. We as a society ponder life as a daily ritual. Maybe thats what sets us aside; being able to think deeper than what is happening in the here-and-now. Human nature and forgiveness play a big part in humanity.
Human nature plays a part in everyday life for all humans. It is natural to think only about one’s self in the heat of a moment. We are selfish creatures; but we have the capacity to consciously put others before our own needs. Yet we all do what we want and when we want, even if there is a different option that benefits another person. That is natural for us; it’s what’s easiest. Because of that, we need forgiveness, and that brings me to my next point.
Forgiveness is the ability to give compassion instead of anger to someone who has wronged you. Giving forgiveness is healthy, and even needed, in everyday living. Whether it be over someone accidentally knocking over your binder, to excusing murder of a loved one; letting go of grudges can improve your mental and physical well-being. Being human, we tend to condemn and blame ones who have negatively disrupted our lives. Its normal for us. It happens every day. But we are able to go against the grain and turn the other cheek to harsh actions. Its your choice whether you do that or not.
I believe that human nature and forgiveness go hand in hand to shape the way we humans work. It’s what shapes us into the unique creatures we are. If not for those qualities we possess, we would be the same as anything else. Our humanity is based on the things we are capable of feeling and doing; human nature and forgiveness are a couple of the biggest factors to show who we are as human beings, and I'm proud to say that I am human.

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