American Flag | Teen Ink

American Flag

November 5, 2015
By DylanE BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
DylanE BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 2 photos 0 comments

The American dream is an opportunity that is different for everyone!  The American flag represents each and every dream that comes true in the land of the free.  The American Dream is a lifetime journey full of obstacles and challenges, but in the end is who a person becomes.The American Dream is the flag,because the flag itself represents that,the question is how do we know that?

The he American Flag  provided the American dream to people even before the American Dream was even created! The American dream came to life when Abe Lincoln was around maybe even before that, let's just say as long as the flag has been standing  there has been an American dream.

The American Flag has 50 states says the stars and 12 colonies says the stripes.The American dream was created by the Americans so that 50 states wouldn't be around if people didn't have hope and a mind of success to continue on!

Everyday American soldiers are continuing to fight for our independence which keeps the American dream alive and going as we wave our American flag with pride when soldiers go to war they see the American flag as a symbol of leadership,hard work and freedom.Which is what the flag is all about and what the American dream stands for. The American dream in truth with the flag is a step forward to life so without looking at the flag there is no dream.


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