The American Flag | Teen Ink

The American Flag

November 6, 2015
By Piper1107 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Piper1107 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every year my family gets together on the Fourth of July and travels to Boulder Lake, Wisconsin. It's a weekend of family, memories, and laughs.

Before we left, I asked my dad, “Are we buying fireworks this year?”
He replies, “yes, of course!”
“Sweet, Uncle Sam’s here we come!”

As we make our way up north, I look around. I see the red and white stripes flying in the sky with fifty stars above. I think, I am thankful for independence, freedom, and my loving family.

Up north, we watch red, blue, and white fireworks burst in the night sky and we hear the echos of bangs, booms, and bursts around the lake. Everyone knows it's the celebration of America's independence. As years past I found out the stars on the flag were taken from the night sky.

On Saturday, my family decorates our pontoon with flags and banners. We head into town and watch the parade. The fire trucks, military, and Army members march and we thank them for their service. I think, am thankful to have these members protecting and serving our country which makes America who we are today--strong and powerful.

On that afternoon, we spend time on the lake and for dinner, we grill out what America is known for...cheeseburgers, steak, and chicken. But before we eat, we say a prayer and express thankfulness for America's independence, our freedom and our country’s strength. As we make our way along the lake, everyone has an American Flag at the end of their pier waving in the breeze.

On the Fourth of July, I am proud to wave our flag. But I am not only proud on this day, but on every day. Our flag is part of America's past, and our future. We have other holidays (like Flag day and Memorial day) which also include our flag.

The American flag represents our independence, as well as the people who serve our country--the  fireman and cops, military members and family. Our flag represents who we are as a country and the pride we show.

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