Prisoner of Life | Teen Ink

Prisoner of Life

December 18, 2015
By Shadowgirl55 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Shadowgirl55 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m tired physically and emotionally. Of crying myself to sleep, staring at my ceiling wishing and hoping, not being good enough, of everyone making it my fault, of people putting everything on me, of not being able to do anything, not being trusted, people thinking i’m the bad guy when i’m honest, i’m tired of teachers acting like students, of teachers only caring about if you have a decent grade and most of the time they don’t even care about that, teachers just giving you a worksheet instead of teaching, I’m tired of being brought down and destroyed by teachers friends coaches and family, I’m tired of going to my house, then to school, back to my house and repeating it everyday, i’m tired of being treated like a baby, not being able to grow up, people thinking they know me better than i know myself, I'm tired of not being good enough, i'm tired of being a prisoner of my life and being locked behind the cages, i'm tired of pretending to be happy to avoid the the questions, i’m tired of lighting myself on fire to keep someone who doesn’t care warm, i'm tired of breaking apart of my heart for someone who doesn’t deserve it. When is anyone going to notice i'm not happy. I want so much and give so much and get nothing in return. I want to do photography, volunteer, travel, write without being told what or how I can write, I want to adventure, to be free, to be released from the cages, I want to be known for something, I want to letter in softball and basketball, to try new things, I want somebody to be afraid of losing me, I want nothing more than to be happy, free, and trusted, I want  to be able to be myself for once, but that's just too much to ask because I have finally realized that the people you love the most don’t even know what you're going through or notice if you're depressed. I can feel myself falling into a deep hole that I won’t be able to climb out of, I don’t want to move around, I feel like I can’t breathe, I feel this pounding on my chest, I can tell i'm slipping away from my beliefs, I want to cry all the time, i can feel myself fading away from caring about anything anymore, my body shakes all the time, i'm scared all the time, i’m losing the feeling of pain, I want to sleep all the time, I feel like I need to be held up or i'm gonna hit the ground and I won’t be able to get up but that’s the thing people stop caring, people stop listening, people stop coming around, and that just goes to show that people stop in the end, some sooner than others.

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