Freedom's Real Meaning | Teen Ink

Freedom's Real Meaning

December 21, 2015
By Patrick-Short BRONZE, Georgetown, Delaware
Patrick-Short BRONZE, Georgetown, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

JT Bakhtiar once said “Freedom isn’t free when soldiers have to die for it.”  He was right. There have been 2,326 military deaths in the war in Afghanistan alone. These soldiers were fighting for our freedom. Soldiers take great risks to give us special opportunities. This means tons to me. Freedom is soldiers risking their whole life, and me being able to be myself.

We can have our freedom because blood is shed everyday. Soldiers volunteer to give our country privileges that other countries don’t have. I have the ability to sit at home and watch television with my family, while soldiers go to battle for our freedom. Soldiers know the risks. They know that their whole life could change instantly. But they still fight for us. That means so much. I thank them everyday for what they do, for being so brave. These sacrifices soldiers make, mean the most to me because I get to be my own person.

Freedom is an excellent trait, and it allows me to be my own person. To start, freedom allows me to play soccer. I play for the Henlopen Hurricanes and we travel all over the East Coast to play different soccer team. Sometimes we even get to travel out of Region 1. When I play soccer, it makes me ecstatic and it makes me feel free. It separates me from all that homework (AC and School) I have to do, and allows me to just have fun. Furthermore, freedom allows me to hang out with whomever I want, whether it’s my family-my mom, dad and two sisters, or my five best friends.   I get to be myself and be with the people that make me laugh; whether it’s at the beach where we usually meet in the summer, or on the soccer field playing around, we always have an exceptional time. I don’t have to follow a certain religion or play a certain sport. I am not separated, but surrounded by objects and people I love.

Our Armed Forces do so much to give us freedom, and I appreciate it very much. Soldiers are to freedom what flour is to cake. We need them. I can do most everything I have a desire to do. I don’t have to live on certain guidelines. I treasure the ability to be myself and live freely, even though it comes with a cost.

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