Less Is More | Teen Ink

Less Is More

January 3, 2016
By Lib11 BRONZE, Stewartville, Minnesota
Lib11 BRONZE, Stewartville, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Living a simple life is a happy life. “Simplify, simplify. Instead of three meals a day, if it be necessary eat but one; instead of a hundred dishes, five; and reduce other things in proportion” (Thoreau). I have witnessed families and individuals trying to do too much and live beyond their needs causing unneeded stress. I believe choosing to live a simpler lifestyle equates to a less stressful and more fulfilling life. Leading a simple life reduces worries, stress, and unneeded clutter in life, allowing you to be happier in the long run.

The first step to a simpler life is to slow down and enjoy life; live in the moment. When life gets crazy and stressful just stop and take a deep breath. Find a place to ponder your thoughts and become stress free. A relaxing place for me is looking out over the water and reflecting on my life. Another perfect stress reliever is hiking on trails in the woods, breathing in the crisp, fresh air. I love listening to the leaves crunch beneath my feet and the sound of water flowing at a nearby stream. Henry David Thoreau and I have similar ideas. He ponders his thoughts while enjoying nature and so do I. Thoreau stated, “We can never have enough of nature”. People don’t appreciate nature as much as they should. Thoreau gave up everything to live a simplified life in a cabin out in the woods. Choosing to live like Thoreau, there is less distractions which allows a person to appreciate the little things in life. Thus, you lead a simple but happy life. 

The second step to leading a simple life is to appreciate an affordable and fulfilling lifestyle. Be happy with the things that you have and be thankful for those who have a positive influence on you. Your upbringing and family will influence your outlook and expectations in life. Your friend or neighbor may have a different perspective than you and your family, but being positive will get you through the struggles. One of the biggest struggles in life is being happy with what you have and not wanting more. “As we become less judgmental and we accept that everything is how it was meant to be, we become less critical of ourselves and others, and therefore more happy” (K Carlson). Live a joyful life and do not wish for things you do not have, unless you are willing to work towards it. “If you put more attention on what you can do than what you can’t do, one thing’s for sure—you’re going to have a lot more fun” (R Carlson).

The third step to leading a simple and fulfilling life is to realize little things can make a big difference. It can be as simple as smiling at someone as you walk past them or even holding the door open for someone. Humans tend to think acts of kindness have to be above and beyond, but in reality it is small gestures that are the most powerful. “After all, life is really simple; we ourselves create the circumstances that complicate it” (K Carlson). Remember, it is the little things that will be remembered the most. By remembering the little things, a difference will be made and your confidence in yourself will increase. One difference might not mean a lot to you, but you never know what others are going through and that difference that you made could have changed their day completely. Think outside the box, you may have to go out of your way to do something, but that defines apart of who are you. You are of what you make yourself to be, so why not do the little things and live a simpler life.

A simple and fulfilling life is attainable if you enjoy, appreciate, and realize the person that you are which leads to the way you live you life. These three simple tasks will help you enjoy life tremendously. First, when life gets tough, stop and take a deep breath and enjoy it. Second, when you are unhappy and always wanting more, stop and appreciate what you have. Lastly, when you are trying so hard and nothing is going right, stop and realize it is the little things that matter most. After you tackle these three tasks, you will be smiling from ear to ear as stress disappears and weight is lifted off of your shoulders. Like Joseph Campbell said, “follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.” You never know what doors will open, so live in the moment and be courageous. One last tip you should never forget is that less is more.

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