Adoption Is a Good Thing | Teen Ink

Adoption Is a Good Thing

February 12, 2016
By Anonymous

Picture a small, blond, curly haired little girl whose momma has abandoned because she's “Not exactly a kid person” or a small Haitian boy who went to bed hungry for the third night in a row because he hasn't seen his parents this past week.  Adoption: the legal process of adopting a child. Adoption takes many forms and is pursued for many reasons and has countless rewards. The possibility of adoption can place a child in loving arms when he or she would have otherwise been in a completely opposite situation. Adoption is an intimate, sacrificial, and a rewarding experience that will have a lifetime impact on everyone involved.

Adoption is a process that puts a child whose biological parents were either unable or unwilling to provide for their care inside a loving family. They are placed with individuals interested in becoming parents or childless couples. Adoption is traced back even into the bible. It is known that the Pharaoh's wife adopted Moses, and Jesus was even adopted by Joseph. Adoption is beneficial for the child, the biological parents, and for the adopting parents. The child will have access to basic needs such as medical attention, warm meals, and a stable and committed family that might not otherwise been in place. These things might not have been financially possible for the child's previous family, or they may not have even been capable of providing such needs. Another valuable asset to the adoption process is that the adopted child could be placed in a home with other siblings allowing the child built in playmates and long lasting relationships. Adoption is binifical to the birth mother, giving her the opportunity to finish school, and get a job in order to avoid having to receive public assistance. The birth mothers outside of the US are most likely not going to have resources to substantially provide for their child, so placing them inside of a home that has access to such recourses needed for that child is just common sense. It is also magnificently beneficial to the couple, family, and friends that the child will now become apart of, allowing them to fulfill their dreams of raising a child. Experiencing something so powerful as to be apart of a close net family, church family, friends, and to witness a childless married couple praying, for more than 4 years, for a precious little girl to enter into our lives is an overwhelmingly spiritual experience that is quite difficult to put into words. So just take my word for it when I say this, adoption is a good thing!

Of course there will be minuscule issues that need to be worked through from time to time. However with a family system in place these minor problems will dissolve with time and age. The hard work, and desire, adoptive families have make it possible to get through the grand process and become the family that they hoped of being for so long.

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