The Power of Technology | Teen Ink

The Power of Technology

March 20, 2016
By C.Koga BRONZE, Ho Chi MInh City, Other
C.Koga BRONZE, Ho Chi MInh City, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe that kids should be more active and get away from electronic devices. I believe that kids are inactive because of the technologies that we have today. Many kids play games with their friends instead of doing physical activities, which makes me believe even more that the technology is harmful for the kids. Additionally most of the kids own a phone, and they can’t let go their phone. People carry their phones everywhere, to work, to the bathroom, to the bedroom, etc. just to listen to music and to relax. However, some people argue that technologies are so helpful that they benefit our life, and they also allow humans to do things that were impossible to do without the power of technology. Even though the technologies helped our society to develop a lot, I still think that people, kids especially should get away from those electronic devices. 

Most kids in SSIS nowadays own at least a computer because they use them in school and need it to do their homework at home. This makes them spend most of their time in front of a screen. As everyone knows, people usually can’t use a computer outdoors because most of the time, there is no internet outside, and this makes the kids stay indoors most of time. This is also added to the fact that there is food and air conditioner indoor. This can contribute to the problem that when most kids stay inside their house, they do little to no exercise. During lunch time in my school, there are so many students who play online games on their computers that the wifi during lunch time gets ridiculously slow. The people who take care of kids, such as teachers, parents, etc, should try to decrease the amount of time that a kid is in front of the computer, and tell them to do some physical activities. Some of the harmful activities that come from doing too little physical activities are increase risk of cancer, feelings of anxiety, depression, and obesity.

I believe that kids should do more exercise to decrease the obesity rate. Obesity is one of the common issues around the world, specifically, the United States. If kids spend too much time on their computer, they will get unhealthy. According to a research, obesity among children age 6-19 has reached from 7% in the 1980s to 15% in the early 2000s. This evidence suggests that kids nowadays are getting unhealthy, and the main reason is because they spend too much time inside their house playing online games, and eat games without doing any exercise after those activities.

I know that education has been greatly advanced by the technological advances of computers. Students are able to learn things on their own by using computers, they can ask questions by emailing others, and they are able to play some educational games, which can help them to expand their knowledge. However, by depending on technology too much may grow some addict to the kids. “New technology is common, new thinking is rare.” – Sir Peter Blake. As you can see, this quotes shows how people are too dependent on technology, and how that technology is stopping people from thinking deeply about things. The knowledge technology holds is unlimited, when we can find sources of information at a press of a button, it prevents us from thinking critically. With these technologies, kids especially the teenagers’ computer addiction will get worse because teenage is when we get really lazy to think.

Technology has become huge in this world. It has become to a point where we can’t live without technology. Countless people are addicted and depending on it too much, including the adults. I believe that an addiction to the technologies is a serious problem to the kids more than the adults because kids are the one who is going to be carrying this world, doing some important things for this world. The rate of childhood obesity is increasing, due to computer addiction. What will kids do if they are in a situation without electronic devices anymore? Will they be able to survive? There is a possibility that may happen. The adults should be concerning about the kids computer addiction more. Kids should not be depending too much on technologies and they should start going outside and doing some exercise to become healthy.

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