Fitting In | Teen Ink

Fitting In

April 5, 2016
By Italianredneck BRONZE, St Jean Sur Richelieu, Other
Italianredneck BRONZE, St Jean Sur Richelieu, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wonder why people always try to fit in. Or why people try to be accepted. Like a wise man once said ‘’do whatever makes you happy, because in the end whose there? You’’ (Tyler, 2011). I think a perfect world would be people being their own person and not follows others opinions on anything. This does not have to do with following ones footsteps or having a role model.


It really sucks to see people copy others because they have no opinion or they are just scared to express their opinion. It is actually a big problem with teenagers these days, wanting to follow others opinions. Not in mine I believe that having a role model in your life or following someone’s footsteps is ok. For example a famous person says something about a certain style or they hate on someone. Then there followers will just copy the same mind set as them and this creates people without imagination and opinions of their own. If everyone starts following others opinions the world will become a dull and boring place. Instead of unique and extravagant.

If you want to fit in or be accepted by others the best advice is to be yourself. You see, if you’re yourself you are unique and that’s the best thing about a person. It’s meeting new people with different perspectives about the world and life itself. I think I can speak for everyone when I say it’s annoying to meet a group of people that all act the same, talk the same, and dress the same. It’s just boring and annoying.

My last point is that you shouldn’t even try to fit in to anything because if you fit in no one will notice you if you are the same as 30 people around you, then that just makes you a group of people but if you are yourself and you think outside the box for once people will notice your differences they will either admire them or hate on them. Whatever they think about you doesn’t even matter anyway it’s your life.

So to conclude my essay I’d like to say that everyone is different and not everyone fits in to specific things. You won’t have fun in life being a robot and copying others. You must respect, people opinions and you should really respect your own. If you are not capable of doing that then there is your problem, and you shouldn’t ignore it because it’s a big one.

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