School Social Parties | Teen Ink

School Social Parties

April 12, 2016
By ike24 BRONZE, East Hampton, New York
ike24 BRONZE, East Hampton, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You’re in the cafeteria with your bagged lunch. You are standing in the doorway to the cafeteria, scanning the room. You stand there, clutching your lunch. Where  do you sit? Do you sit with the populars? The gamers? The jocks? The nerds? The geeks? The computer nerds? You don’t know. So you run away, to the bathroom, and eat your lunch there.

This scenario is what a lot of kids (new or not) deal with everyday in schools. They don’t know what to do or where to sit or what to say to fit in. But, the reason they try so hard is so they don’t end up like a bypasser or an occasional friend or a social outcast. So they don’t end up like me.

The reason I say “like me” is because I am a bypasser. I am an occasional friend. I am a social outcast. That is what I am to most people, most of the time. But there is something special about being an outcast.

When you here “outcast”, you think of a weirdo who doesn't fit in and someone who isn’t smart and who doesn’t talk. Well, being an outcast myself, I can say that none of that is true. We are not weirdos. We don’t need to fit in. We are smart. Some smarter than others. And we do talk! We are like everyone else. We all have crushes and opinions and best friends. Just like everyone else.

  Now, here is where things get a little weird. We all have friends. But what if you have a friend that is in a different social party than you? It’s a little weird. But you still hang out any time you can. But the people who are in the same social party as you tell you to stop hanging out with your friend. You ask why. They say that they are trying to pry you for you secrets and then destroy you. The social party that your friend is in does the same. Then that will lead to distrust, hatred, and, eventually, the breakup of a beautiful friendship. There are also members of that group for that reason, to be completely fake, pretend to be your friend, and destroy you.

That is why I despise social parties. Some are made up of fake people to break people. Others are just mean assholes. But the few that I like are hard to find. They are the ones who take you for who you are. They help you. They encourage you. They inspire you.They give you courage.

The reason they are so rare? People today can be so fake and self-centered that they don’t care how they make other people feel. Don’t believe me? Just look at the popular group with all their snooty friends and mini-mirrors in their lockers. Look at their faces. Look at the amount of makeup they have applied to hide their faces. If you just look, you can see how fake they are. But with popular boys, it’s harder to tell who’s fake and who’s real.

If you think that this is just in a school setting, think again. These things continue on for the rest of your life. Even in a job setting. You will be judged for the rest of your life.

Now, bear this in mind. Sure, you’re going to be judged. And you will be made fun of by the populars, but all the populars do is hide behind makeup and muscle. They rely on that mask they put on everyday to protect them, to hide them. They are only mean because they are insecure themselves. They use the energy that their insecurities provide and turn it into insults on others.

I’m not saying that’s always the case. Some people are just mean and rude and nasty. I’m saying that just because people are mean, doesn’t mean that people are, well, mean. It just means that they need a little help.

My opinion on this? I don’t like social parties. But if we didn’t have them, then everyone would be the same. There would be no diversity. Who would want to live in a world where we are all the same? I don’t like them, but, as much as I hate to admit it, but we, gulp...need them.  

The author's comments:

I wrote this eice because it speaks the truth of what happenes at a lot of schools, some more than others.

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Mlynnking said...
on Apr. 16 2016 at 6:45 pm
What a beautiful piece! You are wise beyond your years! I have no doubt you'll succeed in life and always be looked at as honest, kind and beautiful both side and out!