Plastic Surgery | Teen Ink

Plastic Surgery

April 11, 2016
By zaharamohamad BRONZE, Melaka, Other
zaharamohamad BRONZE, Melaka, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Plastic surgery is a specialty in medicine that concerns itself with efforts of correcting and restoring of function and form especially amongst human beings. While aesthetic and cosmetic surgery is widely known in plastic surgery, all plastic surgeries are not automatically cosmetic. Plastic surgery takes into account issues of reconstructive operations, hand operations, treatment for burns, craniofacial surgery and microsurgery.

The performance of plastic surgery has been increasing over the years among particular society classes. However, there are certain serious consequences that come to play before a plastic surgery can be conducted. Most people have been doing it for aesthetic and cosmetic value but that is not what it was initially intended for.

Plastic surgery is primarily an area of surgery that specializes in making repairs and reconstructs of damaged or maybe mission skin and tissue. This is normally in cases that have been as a result of injury, other surgeries, illness or an abnormality that comes from birth.

The main objective when doing plastic surgery is to make a restoration of the function of the skin and other tissues to an almost normal situation. The idea is to enhance the appearance of parts of the body which is very important to almost everybody. However, it is a secondary need and people may choose to live without it.

There are certain areas where plastic surgery can be applied. This is especially when there are abnormalities that come with defects during birth such as webbed fingers, cleft palate and lip and birthmarks. Additionally, it could be required in a case of damaged areas following the removal of cancerous tissue like the breast and face. An individual could also consider doing a plastic surgery after getting extensive burns or after securing dangerous injuries like those acquired following vehicle accidents.

Well, plastic surgery is generally a good practice if done for the right reasons. It can help an individual recover their lost confidence and self-esteem after a surgery for a certain abnormality that has been there since birth or from a certain illness or injury. Various techniques can be used based on the condition of the person. These include skin flap surgery, skin grafts and tissue expansion. The importance of plastic surgery cannot be overemphasized. For whatever reason, it is a good development in the medical world and has been very useful in promoting self-image and self-esteem needed by everyone to functionally normally and confidently.

The author's comments:

I hope that people will use this technology in a good purpose and not misused it just to be beautiful.

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