The Problem Between Women | Teen Ink

The Problem Between Women

May 6, 2016
By cheerypoet BRONZE, Cowpens, South Carolina
cheerypoet BRONZE, Cowpens, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
she is clothed in strength and in dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. Proverbs 31:25.

Yesterday, I heard one of my friends say the most reugnant things, something that made me feel so sorry for her. She recalled the fresh news of her boyfriend cheating on her with another girl. for a moment, I felt so bad for her, until I heard what came from her mouth just two seconds later. "How could he cheat on me with HER? She's ugly!" I stood there, doumbfouded, with a blank stare. It took everything in me to keep my mouth closed. Nothing hurts more than knowing that women tear other women down. Wheter it's rooted from jealousy or anger, it's heartbreaking. We're all fighting different wars, but it's the same battle; the battle for equality. As women, we should be empowering one another in love. How do we expect to have equality between men and women when we havent even created equality among women?

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by a converstaion held between a friend and I, just before cheer practice. I hope this will open the eyes of women all over who simply want equality.   

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