“Boys Will Be Boys:” Is It the Truth? | Teen Ink

“Boys Will Be Boys:” Is It the Truth?

January 27, 2017
By shatteredenigma BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
shatteredenigma BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Boys will be boys” - is it the truth?

If you have not been living under a rock, you probably know about Brock Turner aka the Stanford rapist. You also probably know that he got out of jail after sexually assaulting an unconscious girl in 3 months. But, he came in the spotlight again after it was revealed that he was planning to go to high schools giving speeches about the negative effects of “drinking and promiscuity”. Turner and his parents have argued that their son was not to be blamed for what happened that night and it was actually the fault of alcohol. That’s odd considering the fact that there are millions of people in the globe who get drunk and do not rape anybody. Aside from that, Brock’s case has also brought up the question the statement said my many to justify his actions - “Boys will be boys.” Well, I can assure you that this statement is absolute BS. People who use this statement to justify inhumane actions made my males are saying that we have to accept the fact that boys can assault someone and everything will be fine because they are boys. Let’s get one thing clear ; having a penis does not justify sexually assaulting somebody or even being an asshole for that matter. When people use this statement, they are removing personal responsibility and reflection on the boy’s part. Now, the boy thinks that it is okay to commit these acts since nobody will hold him responsible for it. He might also try to do these things again since he might think it is harmless fun. If Brock Turner’s parents held him responsible for his actions and made him spend more than 3 months in jail instead of whining about how their son could not enjoy his steak dinner then I could assure you that Brock would have realised his mistake and paid for it.

The author's comments:

I hope that people who read this realize that we need to hold boys accountable for their actions instead of excusing them every chance we get because of their gender. 

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