Does eSports deserve recognition? | Teen Ink

Does eSports deserve recognition?

November 19, 2019
By afri140081 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
afri140081 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Does eSports deserve recognition?

As the years go by eSports has became more and more mainstream.  eSports is playing multiplayer games such as Rainbow Six: Siege, League of Legends, DOTA 2, Overwatch, etc competitively in a team against another team which is usually spectated. According to Tan, “By 2020, the figure is predicted to reach close to US$1.5 billion. In addition, eSports is expected to reach a global audience of 385 million this year, according to Newzoo. And the figure is set to grow to 589 million in 2020 (TST).” The media attention that eSports gets will only increase as the years go by.

eSports has not only caught the attention of the media but colleges as well. Playing video games at a professional level doesn’t just have to be for recreational purposes or career but can even further your education. During the last school year, $16 million in esports scholarships were offered nationwide, according to the nearly 200-members of the National Association of Collegiate Esports. Parents should encourage their children to try and compete in game tournaments and join in a team if they wish to do so because in the long run it could be a foundation to their education.

Being part of an eSports team creates a special bond between the team through your victories and failures. Being part of a team of similar minded individuals in terms of eSports creates unforgettable memories. Himmelstein, Liu, and Shapiro (2017) identified team dynamics and communication as potential barriers for esports players in achieving optimal performance. Contrary to stereotypical perception of gamers, esports players need to communicate with teammates effectively and operate as a team member. 

Almost everyone has a set career in life whether its being a nurse, doctor, lawyer, etc. Being part of an eSports team is a career because of the blood, sweat, and tears that the player put in to try to achieve success, as well as the money you can get paid. People have a misconception that gaming can’t get you anywhere in life and that you can’t make a living playing video games so why bother but clearly they are wrong. eSports is a lucrative industry and can offer players a career and most of all, a lot of money. “By 2020, the figure is predicted to reach close to US$1.5 billion. In addition, eSports is expected to reach a global audience of 385 million this year, according to Newzoo. And the figure is set to grow to 589 million in 2020.” 

If you can make a living doing something you love, then do it. eSports offers regular salaries to team participants, with average salaries in the $3,000-to-$5,000 monthly in gaming hotbeds like China and the U.S. This doesn’t even include the cash prize pools that these eSport teams compete in. The prize pool for The International 9, the largest Dota 2 tournament of the year, has broken the $30 million mark. eSports also earn money in sponsorships. Sponsors comprise $456 million of the overall $1.1 billion in eSports revenues this year, Newzoo reports. 

Streaming is also a way eSport teams make money. Online competition has also spawned a highly effective and organized network of digital streamers who can earn $4.99 per month per viewer and show eSports competitions via platforms like Twitch. There are many ways to make money in the eSports industry. If you can do all that you’ll be financially stable for your entire life, be able to afford a home, and take care of your family.

eSports deserves lots of recognition. Being part of a team is a great opportunity for financial reasons as well as following your dreams. Playing video games competitively or not doesn’t have to be something necessarily negative but something very positive. There should be programs in schools that help prepare kids in their dreams of becoming an eSports player. All people should accept eSports and realize how beneficial it could be for someone.    

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