The Hardest Part | Teen Ink

The Hardest Part

January 25, 2022
By Anonymous

People praise skateboarding for the tricks but most people don’t understand that the hardest part of skateboarding is finding somewhere to do it. You could find the most abandoned area but old ladies will still call the cops on you for destruction of property. If you have a curb or a stair set outside your house, your neighbors will call the cops on you for “disrupting the peace”.

You could say “just go to the skatepark” but it’s not that easy, first of all, you don’t get the same credibility. If you watch any skate video you might see one clip at a park but the majority is street because being somewhere you’re not supposed to be skating makes the trick 20 times harder. 

Second of all, most skateparks aren’t even good skateparks, this is probably because it’s randos making the skateparks, not actual skateboarders. Like the Coronado skatepark, the park makes no sense and all my friends agree that it’s a horrible park, yet it still costs 5 dollars to get in and the cops will give you the rundown of why it’s a horrible thing to skate street spots when you don’t skate there. It’s almost like they don’t want people to go there. 

Third of all, when you are fourteen you're not gonna have a license and most likely your parents aren't gonna want to take you to the skatepark every single day so it’s probably impossible for you to get to the skatepark anyways.

I also don’t understand why skateboarding is so targeted when bikers and scooters do the same thing. One time I was skating a street spot and got kicked out in like 5 minutes, some bmxers went to the same spot like 30 minutes later, and the same person that kicked us out walked right past them. The fine for skating vs. biking on orange is like a 50 dollar difference which makes zero sense to me, I’ve seen way more bikers crashing into pedestrians than skateboarders. 

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