Foreign Teams | Teen Ink

Foreign Teams

January 8, 2016
By BrookinsA BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
BrookinsA BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You ever wondered why foreign teams only play in the olympics. The game is similar in other countries. canada already is apart of the nba. Foreign teams and nba both share the same qualities. Foreign teams should play in the nba because they are quality teams, and are very similar, and many foreign players already play on usa teams.


Foreign teams should play in the nba because they are just as good as U.S.A teams. Foreign teams have the same qualities as the nba. They have the same set of statistics. they both have the same awards and also they both have all-star weekend(“From the Grapevine”).why can’t they just let foreign teams play in the nba. if they let canada play why not let other foreign teams play that is just unacceptable. There are many qualities in these leagues. they all have a special team to where the best twelve players in the league play in the olympics against other teams.(“From the Grapevine”) . if they have a all-star team just like the nba why won’t they let them play in the nba. another quality is that the players drop the same amount of points as the ten best players in the nba.(“From the Grapevine”) . if they drop the same amount of points they should just let them play. finally they should play because they share the same characteristics that’s why they should play.

Many foreign players already play for the nba, so why not allow them to form teams with other others from their own countries. vince carter plays for the memphis grizzlies that is an nba team even though he is from canada. (“ ›”)why does vince carter get to play for the usa team and still plays for canada. even though canada is a foreign team. Ricky Rubio plays for Minnesota timberwolves, but his home country is el masnou, spain. (“ ›”).. why does Ricky Rubio get to play in the nba and in the spain league, but the foreign teams don’t get to play.  through. Pau Gasol plays for the chicago Bulls but his hometown is barcelona, spain.(“ ›) how is that fair if they get to play in the nba and the foreign league teams. that makes no sense if they get to play and foreign teams can’t play here. Finally i think that foreign teams should be able to play in the nba.

The similarities between both the nba and the national foreign leagues are many.Both the nba and national foreign leagues have the same time limit. They both have twelve minute quarters. They both have time outs six apiece which means both teams get six apiece . How is that right they both have the same time limit and the same number of time outs that just doesn't make sense. The nba and foreign league have something else in common their three point line is twenty feet and six-point-twentyfive inches. another thing is that they both run zone defense which is the best defensive type. (basket I still don't get that. This is stupid they have the same three point line and they both have zone defense. well to end it off they both have goaltending and basket interference and also have fouls which is very common. (basket Why can’t they play they all have the same everything that is just crazy.   Finally i think foreign teams should be in the NBA because they are the same.
Many people say that foreign teams just won't work. Travel is just to expensive. Well if there in the league that means they make enough money to go there and come back. Other countries don’t speak english. Well they can just get a translator. There are already too many teams in the NBA. Why not just let the top five foreign teams play. Finally I think that foreign teams should play in the NBA because it will be more competition.

Foreign teams should play in the NBA because one they are similar, to many people  already play on foreign teams, and they are quality teams. Finally  I recommend that  you should read this because it could change your opion from the start.

Work cited page
“From the Grapevine.” From the Grapevine. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jan. 2016.
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