The Effects of Guns | Teen Ink

The Effects of Guns

October 4, 2018
By bjwalk19 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
bjwalk19 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments



In the streets violence

The destruction they create

The opinions in society

The terror that has our nation hopeless

The small but so destructive things have left us hopeless

There is nothing good about these things called guns

They terrorize our society

The laws they try to create

But not even laws can stop this violence

One day I believe that we will have a society without violence

But this thought is so hopeless

As long as we continue to stop instead of create

These weapons known as guns

Continue to leave citizens in never ending fear

Our nation needs to believe in a change and move forward as a peaceful society

This problem continues to suffocate society

The people we meet and the relationships we create

Destroyed by  guns

Our society trying to stop the violence

Trying to escape the fear

This continuous threat keeping us in fear

But this is not the only thing these little black weapons create

They create destruction, death, and hopelessness

We used to live in a happy content society

But this peace was overtaken with violence

Nothing can stop these guns

It is time we drop the guns

Minimize the violence

And live in a peaceful humane society

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