More Than a Game | Teen Ink

More Than a Game

October 17, 2018
By Anonymous

This is the logo of popular gamer ninja who has 3 million subscriber on youtube who recieves paymentfor playing a video game called Fortnite get paid just for playing a video game called fortnite

Almost three times the population of people are logged in to the video game called Fortnite .fortnite, a recent cultural phenomenon that has taken the world by “The Storm”, literally.Yet  these games and other can take away from your social life and your interaction with people and it sometimes can get too far with hurting there loved ones yet children play video games for innocent reasons.

Video games are really popular all around the world.these video will help you find something to do after school or around your social hours or when it is nothing to do. Generation Z is the most played video games. The game that they most played is game called fortnite . fortnite is amazing game that all people play to adult to young teen and some people play it as there job. yes people get paid for playing video games a famous youtuber name Ninja who plays fortnite for his job.He gets payed a lot of money. Ninja makes 350,000 a month by playing this video yea playing games are fun but some people play video games for a job yet people take video games to hard.By making mistakes that should not be made and some adults and parents don’t like the behavior there child is doing.Some kids hurt there love ones it was 2009 when a kid murder there mom and dad for taking away his halo 3.there was a grown women that left her 3 year old baby to die because she was playing war warcraft. Yet people can control there action when playing video game  in a responsible and that can make video games not that harmful

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