Night Falls | Teen Ink

Night Falls

January 29, 2019
By jrwatkins121 SILVER, Chester, Virginia
jrwatkins121 SILVER, Chester, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is approximately his ten thousandth day of being human. And yet, for all days, he is not yet very good at being a human. He still makes a lot of mistakes. All that time and he is still unsure of himself.

Tall stood the tree,

Stark against the inky night.

Not many can see.


Hidden by petals lies a sleeping bee

beside the weeping willow --

Tall stood the tree.


Trapped in a silent plea

the flowers cry for sun in a way

not many can see.


Twigs supporting she,

the young faerie naps among leaves.

Tall stood the tree.


In hands, a cup of tea.

The grandmother rests in her cabin that

not many can see.


Behind the garden's lock and key,

back by the still lake,

tall stood the tree

not many can see.

The author's comments:

This was originally an assignment in my Creative Writing class to create a villanelle, so of course, I made it about my favorite topic: nature at night.

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