Eyes | Teen Ink


May 2, 2019
By Emma-AHS2020 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Emma-AHS2020 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Father has eyes like the sea. A crystal blue, that are bright and breathtaking. His eyes are ambitious and adventurous, they can never be stopped. My mother has eyes like chocolate. A deep brown, that are warm and welcoming. Her eyes are compassionate and caring, always willing to help others.

But then there is my siblings and I. Our eyes are neither blue like the sea, nor brown like chocolate. No, our eyes are like forests. A lively green, that are ebullient and eager. A green of acres of farm fields in the country, a green of freshly picked granny smith apples. Our eyes are a mix of our Mother and our Father. Behind our green eyes is the ambition from our Father, that drives us to succeed, and the compassion from our Mother, that reminds us to help others.

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