How to Make my Sisters | Teen Ink

How to Make my Sisters

May 7, 2019
By Purevida SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Purevida SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments


A heap of people asking if we are sisters /
A pinch of them calling me 5/
A slice of me stealing their clothes.
A drop of locking doors to keep eachother out./
A crate of crazy /
A dollop of crying over not getting candles for christmas /
A vial of fighting in public and not caring what anyone thinks/
A pocketful of making fun of mom/
An inch of me asking if we can go get ice cream/
A dash of throwing milk at each other and running away on vacation/
A gallon of them trying to roast me/
A thin slice of compliments /
A jug of good talks on dog walks
A mound of laughable moments
A Lifetime of love


Make sure all three sisters and you exist, you’ll need a pocketful of a mom you can make fun of for that.
If you do the first step correctly, you’ll look a lot alike and will need a heap of people asking if you are sisters. Mix together.
Let it set for a while, until they start calling you 5 when you’re actually 10.
After setting, you’ll need to measure out an inch of asking to go get ice cream. They just got their license, so this step is easy.
Next, you’ll need a drop of locking yourself in a room with a lock to keep the other siblings out, they’re being annoying by this step.
You’ll need to add a crate of crazy, and mix this with a dash of throwing milk at one another and running away on vacation. You’ll need to add a little bit of the mound of laughable moments at this point.
Next, you’ll need a vial of fighting in public and not caring what anyone thinks. Depending on if you want it more spicy or not, add more.
Now, you’ll need a dollop of crying over not getting candles for christmas. This should only be added to ⅓ of the recipe.
Now after the tears, A slice of me stealing their clothes is needed. Careful with this one, if done wrong can make the recipe turn out bad.
Next, a gallon of them trying to roast me. This step is not necessary, but added as an option. Mix this with the thin slice of compliments for better results.
This is where the recipe gets more fun: Add a jug of good talks on dog walks, with a mound of laughable moments. You’ll need a lot of that. Let it set for a while.
End with adding a Lifetime of love.
Bon Apple teeth, that’s how you make my sisters!  

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