Broken | Teen Ink


May 1, 2009
By Allegra SILVER, Seattle, Washington
Allegra SILVER, Seattle, Washington
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Broken into a million pieces is what I am
If you held me I would only slip through between your hands
Broken by a rocky future and unstable past
If only you would look beyond my illusion and see that

Broken like I mirror needing to be fixed
But cutting you would be my defense

When did I become this way?
I'm truly happy on the surface but my insides are frayed
My constant act isn't even intentional these days
I guess everyone liked it so much it stayed on Broadway

Now I can't even cry when I know I'm alone
Fear is something I never show

Because fear is "weakness" and my fear you would think was a joke
Because in your eyes I'm "strong"
But did you ever consider that maybe you're wrong?
Maybe I'm weak and could sometimes use your help with holding on
Don't you know I need you when my strength is gone?

Maybe you'll never get these things
Broken is what I am, if only I could make you see
Is that why you love me?
Because you can only ever love the person you allow yourself to see
So maybe you should try opening your eyes and really looking at me

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