Recipe for Getting Along with Siblings | Teen Ink

Recipe for Getting Along with Siblings

May 29, 2019
By mm13289 GOLD, Colgate, Wisconsin
mm13289 GOLD, Colgate, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A bin of board games
A flurry of bike rides
A dollop of bickering
A wink of time alone
A heap of jokes
An ocean of sports
A trough of movies
An instant of insults
7 slices of forgiveness
12 craters of vacations
A valley of memories
A galaxy of love

Begin by mixing the bin of board games and flurry of bike rides in a large bowl, then set aside. In a separate bowl combine the dollop of bickering and the wink of time alone. Blend both bowls of ingredients together until smooth. Next sift in the heap of jokes and mix well. Then pour in the ocean of sports and mix again. While mixing, add in the trough of movies. Next sprinkle in the instant of insults then add the 7 slices of forgiveness. Let this settle. Then mix in the 12 craters of vacations and the valley of memories. Finally pour in the galaxy of love. Mix well. Is best when served at least once a day and lasts a lifetime.   

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