Synesthesia | Teen Ink

Synesthesia MAG

May 30, 2019
By Vanwed1994 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
Vanwed1994 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sadness of puppies dissipates in the barn as a frantic new mother tries to calm them 

If you turn hope on high you would see new homes with freshly painted walls and a puppy waiting by the fireplace.

The past sits in a small pile of newspapers fashioned into a bed for a puppy alone in a barn

The swirl of loneliness sounds like the dry air on a fall morning flowing lazily through the trees

If you jump into the present, you’ll land on tomorrow’s dew drops on the grass, a young family chasing around a new family of puppies taken away from that dirty old barn.

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