Elephant | Teen Ink


May 30, 2019
By Purevida SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Purevida SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Big, and he knows it.

The elephant stands awkwardly.

Looking down at the tiny humans, who actually weren’t thattiny.

He knew he was just big.

He looked at the little stroller the baby was being pushed in.

Why couldn’t I have done that when I was a baby?

He sees the dog laying on a human's lap.

The elephant wishes he could snuggle up on someone’s lap.

He is too big though, and would crush whatever was on his rear end.

He looks at his big stack of hay he eats, and looks at the ice cream cone the little boy had.

My trunk is too big to hold that!

While looking at what he wish he’d had, his human who took care of him patted him on the side.

“Here’s some peanuts!”

He quickly forgets how he wishes he was smaller.

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