How to handle anxiety in High School | Teen Ink

How to handle anxiety in High School

May 30, 2019
By tmace22 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
tmace22 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments


3 buckets of tears

2 bins of panic attacks

A harvest of support

7 slices of self-love

A whisper of confidence

A smile of security

5 dollops of fear of public speaking

2 cartons of suck it up

A lifetime of happiness


1. In a bowl mix ½ a bin of panic attacks with 2 dollops of fear of public speaking, add 1 slice of self-love and stir until combined. Chill for 1 year.
2. In a separate mixture stir 3 dollops of fear of public speaking, 1 bucket of tears, and ½ a bin of panic attacks and let sit for 2 years.
3. After the first mixture has chilled, mix in a harvest of support, 1 bin of panic attacks, 2 buckets of tears and 2 cartons of suck it up. Chill for another year.
4. Add the two mixtures together and stir well, put into a pan 5’ by 8” and bake for 30 minutes at 400 degrees.
5. Cool for 45 minutes.
6. Mix 6 slice of self-love, a whisper of confidence, and a smile of security and spread on top.
7. Top it off with a lifetime of happiness.
8. Serves 1 person, best everyday until graduation.

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