Cycle of Life | Teen Ink

Cycle of Life

August 3, 2019
By Euphy123 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Euphy123 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
You get what you want by earning it.

You start out as a little water in a large pot.

You are placed on a flame that makes life interesting.

You like life at the bottom, but you wonder what’s at the top.

The heat grows around you.

A little more water is added, which makes you taller.

You like being taller, it makes you feel cooler.

You can see a little more outside, but not enough.

You get angry and can’t take it anymore.

You start to bubble and steam in anger.

The heat is too much, and you get stressed.

You think that there is no way to grow.

Suddenly a lot of water is added to the pot.

You celebrate reaching the top and feel much cooler.

You now look outside, and you wish you hadn’t done that.

You wish that you were patient when you were younger.

But now that you see it, you learn a lot of lessons.

You begin to evaporate, going down and down.

You think you can be a kid again.

But you can never unsee the outside world.

Suddenly the water is gone.


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