Why? | Teen Ink


May 12, 2009
By poeticstarlet94 PLATINUM, Irving, Texas
poeticstarlet94 PLATINUM, Irving, Texas
30 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To thine own self be true."

If you could be a flower I would be the sunshine.
I’d let you bask in my glow,
blooming in the spring time.
I’d never let your petals fall to the earth below.
You would stay firmly planted there
and I would help you grow.
I would tell the clouds to part in the evening.
They would shower you with misty rain
and help you make your seedlings.
The bees would come and sing to you,

dining on your nectar.
Yours would be the sweetest,
you would bloom forever.
No wind could ever sway and uproot you from your place.
And my rays would smile upon you,
gracing your lovely face.

Darling when you love me,
my life’s in perfect harmony.
Nothing ever saddens me
because I know you care for me.
And when I feel your loving gaze
staring down upon my face
I wonder what makes you stay and say…
“I love you.”

If I could be a snowflake you would be my winter’s day.
I’d sift and drift into your arms and let you melt my ice away.
We would mend into one happy pile of snowy bliss.
And you would shape me into you,
giving me your chilly kiss.
Blizzards would whip and winds would blow,
but nothing would separate our snow.
We would last all year round
and stay firmly settled on the earthen ground.
Nothing bitter,
nothing sweet
could take my frozen snow from me.
We’d paint the earth with our sparkling substance
and no warmth could ever liquefy us.
No wind could ever sway and blow us away from our place.
And my eyes would smile upon you,
gracing your lovely face.

Darling when you love me,
my life’s in perfect harmony.
Nothing ever saddens me
because I know you care for me.
And when I feel your loving gaze
staring down upon my face
I wonder what makes you stay and say…
“I love you.”

You love me…
you love me…
why do we stay?
How do we stay?
In love…
why ask why?

The author's comments:
This actually a song that I wrote...but aren't lyrics just poetry to music? They're just words in motion.


This article has 2 comments.

on May. 17 2009 at 7:55 pm
DinosoarJen DIAMOND, Scottsville, New York
86 articles 0 photos 82 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just another casualty.<br /> It&#039;s sad but true.<br /> And even dead I&#039;m still ahead<br /> of most of you.

Words in motion. I like it.

This is really nice!

sup01 said...
on May. 16 2009 at 1:22 am
great job and ur correct lyrics r just poems