Enough. | Teen Ink


December 13, 2019
By ncatino0050 SILVER, Arlington Heights, Illinois
ncatino0050 SILVER, Arlington Heights, Illinois
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This is to the people

who wake up with purple bags

under their eyes,

puffy from crying all damn night 

from the harassments and words 

that illuminate their shattered phone screens

sulking because they don’t want to face the world

today or any day.

This is to the people 

that walk through our hallways and our streets

with their head hung low,

too scared to look someone in the naked eye.

This is to the people 

that can’t even put pen to paper 

and finish their homework 

because of their constant shaking.

Afraid, self conscious, horrified.

This is to the people 

that feel like a burden to their family,

people who love you till the end,

feeling like you embarrass the name

your wear across your back.

This is to the people 

whose minds are cluttered with

“you’re not good enough”

“you’re ugly”

“you’re a mess”

This is for those people. 

The ones that feel forgotten.

The ones that feel like they can’t be themselves.

The ones that go to school scared,

scared of people just like them.

The ones that don’t feel like they have a voice.

You do.

A big strong one.

I want to hear your roar.

This is for the people 

that feel like they’re not enough.

I’m here to tell you

you are enough.

I’m here for the people 

that go an entire day 

not talking to anyone, 

not because they don’t want to.

I’m here. 

I’m here for the people 

that don’t love themselves.

I’m here.

You’re here.

We’re all here.

Do you hear us?

The author's comments:

As someone who has witnessed and have been a victim of bullying, this piece is a slam poem for people who feel alone and has trouble going to school or going out in public because they have been degraded. I wrote this because I have felt this way before and I know people who have and I have also been a friend that has supported people who have been bullying, and it will get better and I hope this is something that kids that have been bullied can relate to and be above the bullying with me and feel more confident in themselves.

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