Let Me Know | Teen Ink

Let Me Know

December 30, 2019
By LittleLetters SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
LittleLetters SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
6 articles 8 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"All Monsters are human."

Let me know
Your thoughts, your dreams

Let me know
The amazing things

Let me know
Your faults, your flaws

Let me know
What you think is wrong

Black and White
Day and Night
Whatever's you is always right

Let me know
What held you back
From being you in the past

And everything that comes between you and who you strive to be

Let me know
Your thoughts, your dreams

Let me know
The amazing things

Let me know
What fills your mind
Stars that shine or things that bite

Let me know
What scares your most
Is it here or coast to coast

Let me know
What makes you smile
Instant reaction or does it take a while

Let me know what comforts you
Under the sun or beneath the moon

Let me know what you hold dear
Is it within this atmosphere

Let me know
Your thoughts, your dreams

Let me know
The amazing things

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