Five Bashful Flowers | Teen Ink

Five Bashful Flowers

January 14, 2020
By softballgirl333 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
softballgirl333 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who see me. I am the only one who can see them. Five bashful flowers with lanky stems and vibrant petals like a rainbow. Five who want to hide, but are stuck in place. Five scared flowers frozen in space. From my room, I see them, but they are always facing away. 

Their beauty is hidden. They send pleading wishes to be free. They shrink and they shrink deep into themselves and curl up between their petals robbing the world of their beauty. This is how they hide. 

All petals hiding like a kid under the covers, each wrapping their petals tight around their center. Hide, hide, hide they say when I step out. They turn.

When I am too tired and too weak to keep hiding, when I am broken and scared I look at the flowers. When there is nothing left but to turn and run. Five who hide despite the sun. Five who hide and forget to see. Five whose only reason is to hide from me.  

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