11 soccer players | Teen Ink

11 soccer players

January 15, 2020
By ahs2020 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahs2020 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the ones who I share chemistry with. We all understand each other. Eleven soccer players who all are striving for the same goal. Eleven of us who belong and earned our spot to be on that field. Eleven more on the other side of the field who seemed to not belong on our home field. From the bleachers, you can see it all, but we don’t have that advantage. 

Our teams connection is unbeatable. They send herds of their team trying to defeat us. They pressure us like they have never before showing the true will just to beat us they won’t give up until the clock hits 90 minutes. This is how they compete. 

If one mistake was made by them, they’d all run back to help and try and defend us. Run, run, run their coach says as we are on a break. They tried. When we are too tired to keep running, when we are tiny against the goal, then I look to my teammates. When there is nothing left to play for on the field. Eleven who powered through the pain. Eleven who come closer to their season goal. Eleven whose only reason to play is for each other.

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