Breaking Apart | Teen Ink

Breaking Apart

January 15, 2020
By ahs2020 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahs2020 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I heard my parents scream from the top of the stairs.

I heard them calling each other names no couple should say, swears I have never heard before.

I heard the words repeating in my young innocent head playing over and over.

Feeling the sadness

I felt the effect on our family.

I felt my heart tearing in half when I heard the news.

I felt my siblings and parents sadness during the process of getting the divorce.

Tears running down our faces while the fights continued pulling us apart even more.  

Fight for their life 

I heard the tension in their voices.

I heard the hatred they have towards each other. 

I heard them fighting, and putting my brother and I in the middle of their battles. 

Being in the middle 

I heard them trying to get us to choose sides.

I heard the court judge making choices for my family. 

I heard the frustration and sadness in my family's voices. 

It was final we were broken apart. 

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