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April 29, 2009
By Jamie Fritz SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Jamie Fritz SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first word that pops in my head when I wake up.
I choose my outfit so I’ll be noticed.
My hair and makeup are flawless.

The first word that comes to mind when I arrive at school.
My head is high as my heels tap across the hallway.
I say “hi” to my friends as I pass.

The first word I think of before I go to my first hour.
The grin on my face shines as I enter the class.
Everyone turns their head.

The first word that races through my mind when I walk in the lunch room.
My back strait as an arrow.
My best friends by my side, all filled with laughter.

The first word I come across as I walk out of school at the end of the day.
My blissful expression welcoming everyone that passes.
The smiles of people as they ask me “what’s up”.

The last word through my mind as I fall asleep at night.
My brain racing from the busy life I lead.
The beat of my heart slowing as I think of the day.

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