What Can I Say? | Teen Ink

What Can I Say?

April 13, 2021
By Anonymous

I am tired, what can I say?

Days pass like months full of homework you didn’t want to do.

Seconds pass like hours filled with hasty breaths.

I am exhausted, what can I say?

I am tired, what can I say?

Words that come from our lips seem to fade into the distance like a cloud of smoke.

Movements seemed like I was floating on a cloud of weariness. 

I am exhausted, I know.

I am tired, I need rest.

My mind acts like a playground, my emotions are all over the place.

My movements became erratic over the days;

I am exhausted, I need to sleep.

I am weary, I need to rest.

Weakness, is the only thing I can describe.

Strength is something I can not find within my drained shell I call a body.

I need help, I know.

I have insomnia, what can I say?

The sleepless nights seem to get to me like a horror movie on a late night.

My bed is only a decoration now, it looks as though it has dust.

I can’t control it; what can I say…

I am only human.

The author's comments:

This was during sophomore year, I became really depressed and it took a toll on me. But this was also when I met an amazing teacher that soon would help me publish my writing and guide me through it. She is an amazing teacher as well as friend. Although this is not the last of my dark or sad short poems/stories this is the first one that ever touched the page. During this year I wrote alot of things in my notebook without dating them. That's why you would see alot of them end with 2020 when really it might just be earlier. 

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