Things I Regret | Teen Ink

Things I Regret

May 27, 2009
By BubbiG GOLD, Columbia, Maryland
BubbiG GOLD, Columbia, Maryland
14 articles 4 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:

Lisa Left-eye Lopes

I'm struggling to fit in.
I'm struggling with pain.
I'm struggling with pressure.
I'm struggling to be what everybody wants me to be.
I'm struggling to make ends meet.
I'm struggling for a guy to notice me.
I'm struggling to be what I know I'm not.

I do everything even if it hurts me.
I did something I've shouldn've done.
I was smoking with the popular girls.
I was disrespecting my parents and getting bad grades.
I was with a boy when I shouldn've been with him.
and now I'm pregnant at 16!
Everything is falling apart and now I'm single.

I wished I've never hurt my real friends.
I wished I've never hung out with the wrong crowd.
I wished I hadn't been with that bum I called "Boyfriend!"
I wished I had stayed sweet and smart.
Now the word is so hard to keep up with.
The world is ahead and I'm left behind.
Why me? Why did I choose this path instead of that path?
I wished I have listened to my parents.

Now I'm all alone...
with nobody to talk to about my problems.
I should have done this instead of that...
What happened to me?
What have I Become?

The author's comments:
this is about any teenaged girls who go through what i wrote about. I personally have never gone through it but i've known girls who had. This poem is dedicated to you.

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