Crush | Teen Ink


May 31, 2009
By Anonymous

Heart skips a beat
Senses tingling with delight
Anxious to see you again
Can’t wait till you come back
So I can begin
My crush.

Here you come
Palms sweaty
Tongue tied in a knot
Words prevail to be spoken
Now I am mute in your presence
Afraid to stutter out a sentence
Afraid to disappoint you
And send you on your way.
I hope you’re not bored.

Like you so much
But I know its only a crush.
It will only last an hour
And then they’ll be someone else
You won’t have to endure this torture
I’m only trying out for the team
To distract your attention away from the other volunteers.
I could be on your team for now
But later I’ll want to quit.

Like you so much
But you like me not.
I’m not on your team
So there’s no reason to try out any more
You’ve got someone else
And all I’ve got is myself
Won’t change my mind
Because you’re not mine
But I will move beyond this
And we can be friends.

Heart still skips a beat
Senses tingling with delight
Palms sweaty
And I am still tongue tied.
But my crush
Has come to an end.

The author's comments:
This for anyone who has a crush on a certain girl or boy and it's safe to say you do like them.

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