You are with the Sea | Teen Ink

You are with the Sea

November 19, 2021
By moralesang BRONZE, Winsted, Connecticut
moralesang BRONZE, Winsted, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Here I am thinking of you

I remember when you told me you would be with the sea 

So beautiful and serene

Pulling me into your loch hands of safety

Holding me so gently as if something would break me

Putting up walls of waves to protect me from the monster

Even if it was only for a few hours

Your hair had hues of purple

Reminded me of sweeping sunsets above the beach

Where you sat collecting rocks for everyone to keep

Small ones 

Big ones

All so beautifully unique

Just like you

A storm came through

It shook up your ocean

It blurred your pretty skies

It made your waves stop their motion 

It made it hard to speak

Hard to remember last week

I sat down and cried

Thousands of tears to fill the ocean so deep

You forgot my name 

The sweet songs we sang 

The stories we wrote

When we laughed and played

Your sand now pale and feeble

Your waves rock slowly

No more euphonious charm to the wind

An essence of you was left

Even if it was slim

The fragment of you blew in the air around me

Pushing its way into my heart

Ushering its way into my pocket

Disguising itself as the rock

Like the ones you gave me at the sea

So quaint and free

Now that rock sits on my shelve

So sparkly and round 

To remind me of your love

To remind me where you are if I need you

You are with the sea

The author's comments:

I remember when you told me you would be with the sea. An essence of you was left in the air around me, pushing its way into my heart and into my pocket.

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