Complicated Relations | Teen Ink

Complicated Relations

May 23, 2022
By VA SILVER, Hughson, California
VA SILVER, Hughson, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Moss surely grows on a stone that does not roll. If you feel like you're going to crash, then accelerate more, come on!" - Agust D, BTS

I’ve always loved you.

A hard thing to say,

It was never up to me,

The few times we’ve met…

A hard thing to say,

Where have you been? Why did you ever leave?

The few times we’ve met…

Your sad smile and an I missed you.

Where have you been? Why did you ever leave?

More wrinkles than the last time we met,

Your sad smile and an I missed you.

You said you'd be gone forever soon, nothing is more final than death.

More wrinkles than the last time we met,

I held back tears as you cried, should I have forgiven you?

You said you'd be gone forever soon, nothing is more final than death.

Forgive me, you pleaded, for never being there, I love you

I held back tears as you cried, should I have forgiven you?

Do I say I missed you back and reopen wounds, or erase you as you did me?

Forgive me, you pleaded, for never being there, I love you

Now you're gone again and I was afraid to say…

Do I say I missed you back and reopen wounds, or erase you as you did me?

It was never up to me,

Now you're gone again and I was afraid to say…

I’ve always loved you.

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