Innocence | Teen Ink


May 28, 2009
By Anonymous


I had a little friend named innocence…

Keyword… had. She was small, yet she

Went everywhere with me. She was much

Stronger than she appeared. She has been

Pressured many times to leave my side… but

She wouldn’t budge. I respected myself for having

A friend like her. She was ridiculed more than

She was appreciated by others, which I never

Quite understood. I love having Innocence as

A friend, yet I feared the day that I’d lose her…

That day came much sooner than I could have ever

Imagined. You see, there is always one boy who

You swear just isn’t any boy. He will be your best friend,

The one who makes you laugh, and the one who lifts

Your feet right off the ground. This one, unlike the others,

Never asked me to give up my friend, but I knew he

Really wanted me to. He wanted a part of her, he wanted

A part of me. I knew if I loved him, I would do this, I would

Give her away… and that’s exactly what I did… Now,

Now he has her forever, every time I see him, I see her.

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