A Light on in the Kitchen | Teen Ink

A Light on in the Kitchen MAG

By Anonymous

I slipped from the bed
With my hair in my eyes
But in the dark
It really doesn’t matter
Tiptoed to the stairs
And a light on in the kitchen
Says you’re downstairs making coffee
Though the red light’s glow says
It’s 4 a.m.
Stood there with bare feet
Till the wood floor numbed my toes
And I wonder what it is
That you think of by yourself
Are you dreaming about fairy tales and love-struck misadventures?
Are you wondering if more than just your coffee mug awaits you?
The steam hanging in your eyes
There’s always something hanging ’round you
At the fifteenth stair I wait
Do you dream about me waiting?
See me navigate through shadows
Through the glow star galaxy
Back to bed where I lie hoping
That your feet will climb the steps
In hibernation I am restless
And you will find me here awake
You will find me pseudo sleeping
Or you won’t find me at all
But in the dark
It really don’t matter

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i love this so much!