The smile hides the pain | Teen Ink

The smile hides the pain

January 14, 2023
By Tiger-14 GOLD, Hamburg, Iowa
Tiger-14 GOLD, Hamburg, Iowa
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“Life can only be understood backwards but it must be lived forward”.

Life is like a poem so here is mine we’re all kids you know we live we grow we learn but what we do most is fall at a young age I fell in a hole so deep that not even the biggest shovel could remove all the dirt bearing me inside my anxiety and depression as the dirt settles in it

Sinks it gets deeper as it fills the cuts and covers the bruises and pops up the smile on my face

I’m suffocating wait there might be a way out as he touches my thighs and takes off my clothes

I can breathe I’m free wait no come back don’t leave me not again as the red and blue lights flash and the sirens

well my chest grows heavy and I am back in the hole where I

Began but now I have the blood of the crime on my hands I’m the one to blame as they pulled me out of the hole only to

Question and interrogate and tell me how I’m wrong make me provide evidence she’s lying she just wants attention only if it was that simple nobody understands the weight on my shoulders imagine being a snake that’s never

Shed the layers of its skin the

Weight the vulnerability as a demons take over the scratch they hit they scream and they shake but one thing there good at most is being able to fake.  

The author's comments:

This piece includes events that have happened in my life throughout the ages 10 through 12 

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