This world | Teen Ink

This world

February 1, 2023
By jgett SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
jgett SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At the top of tomorrow waits in a glimmering solar eclipse.

The wait time feel like a century but only a few short years.

The appearance, like a blind person seeing the word for the first time.

The sound of pursuit of happiness running the summer. 

The darkness of the red sea or the brightness of a match in the middle of a pitch black forest.

The wispers of mother in ukraine telling their kid it was going to be ok,

But all knew it was going wrong. 

The sun poking through those mercury clouds.

Jesus let us know everything will evolve.

Evolve into greatness, that why you were put onto the earth.

Happiness and sadness among this great green earth.

All coming down to and going up, just to restart tomorrow. 

Starting again with a glimmering solar eclipse. 

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