The Flying Car | Teen Ink

The Flying Car

February 1, 2023
By 3mcdowell GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
3mcdowell GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt about going to New Delhi, India seeing a lot of call centers with scammers pretending to be the IRS trying to get grandma's information, they would wear brownish-blue shirts.

I would drive past in my 2007 blue slate Infiniti G35x at 10 miles per hour because there was so much traffic. someone just runs in front of me I honk the horn and say GET OUT OF THE WAY! I look closely and I see the police arresting some guy that looks like Martin Luther and I watch for a little bit and ask for an explanation and they tell me he's trying to influence Christianity and then the Kool-Aid man as red as mars come and breaks Martin Luther free. I fly my car back to the United States and I spent 8 on a Frenchie, now my girl want a poodle and I was like you have enough money to buy it yourself, you're an accountant so I go home and I get a call from Chris Hemmingsworth and he asks if I was doing something and I told him no and he told me to pull up to Utah.

I go to Utah with him and we go on his boat and out of nowhere it starts to blizzard. I ask him why there are barracudas in the water and he says don't worry about it, just power through it. One hops in the boat and tries to bite me and stomp it out in my Rick Owen Ramones. We go inside his house and we eat bacon egg and cheese sandwiches on bagels and I notice a statue of a cyclops. After staring at it for a while his wife Aaliyah asks me if I want some cookies but I'm already so full, so I tell her neit.

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