The Revolution | Teen Ink

The Revolution

February 14, 2023
By DacMcg20281 SILVER, Burnsville, North Carolina
DacMcg20281 SILVER, Burnsville, North Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
you never fail until you stop trying

I'm tired of being British trash

And now it's time to crash the past 

Make a change that's gonna last

Unlike Thomas Hobbes Natural politics

It's time for a democracy

No more monarch policy 

This  will go down in history 

If we have to we’ll break you down  

Were coming for the crown 

And there will be no apologies

The author's comments:

I wright this for a project in school about the The Revolutionary war and a letter to the king on how they don't want a king anymore.    


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