The Light | Teen Ink

The Light

April 20, 2023
By MadisonLower BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
MadisonLower BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"The Light"

I lay, awake

The weight of gravity holding me to the tiles of my roof

My sweatshirt is thick and warm

My body heat is trapped to me 

My hair is tangled and a mess, hiding in my hood

My glasses pressed against my nose 

I look up

The stars twinkle, saying hello to me

They give me company on these lonely nights 

The only sounds being the frogs that croak from the pond 

The willow tree's vine leaves whisper in the air 

Hush Hush 

Alone, but not lonely is what I like to think

A light flickers on 

It catches my eye 


I'm captivated in its glow 

I twist my body to see further

It comes from the house just next to me

Could it be?

Is he back?


The light flickers, and goes back out.






"A dream" 

A dream come true 

With so much fear 

I gleam to who 

I hope is near 

A future star 

Is almost here 

I can't be far 

Its my career 

I hold my breath 

As I appear

My one dreams death 

Has disappeared 









"Can I tell you a joke?" 

"Can I tell you a joke?"

My heart laughs a little 

His face, so innocent 

His eyes waiting for me

Will she say yes or no?

I begin to smile

"Please tell me your joke Hale"

He reads the words to me 

The joke book he holds still

He asks me the question 

"What does a cloud wear under his raincoat?"

I wait for the answer


His face lifts in laughter 

I begin to giggle 

A good moment for us 

I hope he remembers 

This moment like I will 

It's my turn to share now

"Can I tell you a joke?"






"You told me…" 

You told me stories

That always allowed me to sleep 

You told me truths 

That always allowed me to trust 

You told me lessons 

That always allowed me to learn 

You told me support

That always allowed me to try

You told me kindness

That always allowed me to care

You told me hope 

That always allowed me to believe 

Most of all

You told me love

And without it, 

I don't know where I would be

The author's comments:

Each of these poems means something to me because each of them represent someone or something that is very important to me. 

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