Stonewalled | Teen Ink


May 1, 2023
By 3janssen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
3janssen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Does it affect your home life?”

“You mentioned mood swings, correct?”

“Does it affect your son?”

“Umm.” I force my fingernails deeper into my palms

praying the verge of tears back to where they were formed 

I couldn't eat or sleep, is it true to always be honest with your doctor? 

“I don't think I struggle in those areas, at least not from what I believe”

The white coated woman types more into her computer

How much would this cost me?

“Any signs of panic attacks?”

Only when I was alone, stuck with intrusive thoughts

She shot me a reassuring smile as I interpreted her questions,  but it only reeked of wealth

“Nope,” I shot her a quivering smile, “not that I can think of”

Would this cost me our groceries for the next two weeks?

How much could I throw away to help myself?

20  dollars?

15 dollars?

This appointment is taking too long, how much more will I have to pay the daycare?

What time was it anyway?

Down to 10 dollars

“Any other questions? I must go pick up my son,” one more smile

“Nope, all set my dear”

I stood up from my chair, relieved

“Thank you so much”

“Just one last thing, I'm going to put you on some anti-anxiety medication, which location would you prefer to pick it up at?”

She flashed me the screen but I only saw my life flash before my eyes

“How much will that cost me?” I took an eager step back 

“Only around $3.53 up front, other then that we cover any additional fees”

“Oh,” I stood, practically gawking at the woman now, “Thank you.”

“Of course, now what location would you like ma'am?”

The author's comments:

With lines from “The Other Victims” by Terry Greene Sterling and Marie Baronnet, a Pulitzer Center reporting project

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