Hostage | Teen Ink


May 2, 2023
By 3mcdowell GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
3mcdowell GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People are being forced to go to war.

Separated from their families.

Daughters and sons bawling

Their papa is gone.

The thought of him not coming back

The thought of him changing

The thought of him not having an arm or leg

It's devastating.


The kid watching the news 1700 killed.

Not hearing back,

Wondering if their papa is a statistic?

Going to the market, just retrieving food.

Guns to their head

Getting yelled at “GET DOWN!”

Getting their hands tied behind them 

Getting battered with clubs or their feet

Evident it's a war crime 

Gunshots every night.

observing the police take them into a car

Blood trickling from their head

Listening from the house 

Canines barking 

Guns banging 

People screaming

People running, 

but the military releases the dogs

At the end of all this 

I hope to all be friends

All be family

Stop the exploding

Stop the shooting

Stop taking the innocent.

The author's comments:

With lines from “Ukrainians in Bucha Reflect on Horrors and Brutality Suffered at Hands of Russian Forces” by Simon Ostrovsky and Zeba Warsi, a Pulitzer Center reporting project.

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