Behind the Hushed Reality | Teen Ink

Behind the Hushed Reality

May 2, 2023
By 3johnsonl SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3johnsonl SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What started as a headline has turned into scene

reporters and journalists rushing with joy, all for that extra bonus cents

for what they call the first draft in history, our life into literature

our homes, our schools, KILL SITES, or in the back of their heads, GOLD MINE GOLD MINE!

for so long things have been silence, in the midst of Ukraine and Russias


the innocent victims are left only with a 


their homes destroyed, their lives


families torn apart, forever muted

Bucha was my home,

these people were my home

However in the end at the blue fields of gold

the sun sets gently low, bathed in the hues of orange and red,the one sight we all wish 

will unfold

the country’s heart beats strong

amidst the rubble and debris

a phoenix of hope and peace

the wounds that once oozed pain are now

stitched with unity's thread, for Ukraine

a land of healing and a brighter,

Future to embrace

The author's comments:

This Is a found Poem, bringing attention to the war in Ukraine with inspiration from a article from the Pulitzer center

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